Barrick informs communities about El Alto project

Barrick Chile is moving forward with the Early Citizen Participation process in Alto del Carmen on the proposed activities for the El Alto exploration, which seeks to obtain key geological and metallurgical information.

Barrick has held more than 120 meetings with leaders of social organizations to date, in addition to more than 100 meetings held with residents during Information Sessions at Open Social Venues – events in which there has been open discussion about El Alto and responses to questions from residents.

El Corral, San Félix, Alto del Carmen, El Tránsito and Chollay have been the localities in which, up to now, the Information Sessions have been held in Open Social Venues and in which the importance of  Early Citizen Participation is evident prior to submitting an Environmental Impact Statement (DIA)  to the Environmental Assessment System, during the first quarter of 2025, to carry out mining prospecting surveys.

El Alto would involve an initial investment of US$34 million and 75 new jobs, prioritizing local hiring. The initiative would include 43 platforms on which 62 drilling operations would be carried out.

Exploration would be carried out on existing mining concessions in the area of the definitive closure of the Pascua project, without using its infrastructure or interfering with the closure, which continues to advance in a transparent and participatory manner.
